Wireless Tattoo Pen Machine Powerful Coreless DC Motor Fast Charging 2400 mAh Lithium Battery for Artist Body
Wireless Tattoo Pen Machine Powerful Coreless DC Motor Fast Charging 2400 mAh Lithium Battery for Artist Body
This machine have complestely different structure.quite and powerful strength.
it's no completely direct drive.less impact on the skin.
MOTOR :Coreless DC motor
It's perfect for fine lines,smooth black& grey,realistic shading.and more.it's your all-in-one machine.if you are solely a black&grey realistic artist.it has a softer motor precisely parired with a 3.5 stroke
machine size
weight: 210 gram
About different battery models
this model have Jump Start Feature to handle the stiffest of membranes
voltage vange 5-12v
incremental voltage 0.1
charging time 2 hours
this model not have Jump Start features
voltage vange 5-12v
incremental voltage 0.5
charging time 2 hours